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egg donors

The Egg Donation Process For Donors

Your donation can give someone the gift of life

Many egg donors come to us to actualize their own dreams and end up realizing how their one decision is helping people build families and create cherished memories.

What does the egg donation process look like?

We understand that while the process of donating your eggs may feel gratifying, it can also feel completely overwhelming. Don’t worry! At Family Inceptions, we are the authority when it comes to successful egg donation and we usher every single donor through the process, every step of the way. Below is an average timeline for our valuable egg donors.

To get the process started, you’ll begin with completing a 2-part egg donor application. Part 1 is a pre-screening questionnaire to ensure that you’re a great preliminary fit for egg donation. Part 2 is an in-depth questionnaire so we can get to know all aspects of YOU – your personality, your current lifestyle, your background, overall health, and your expectations.This 2-part egg donor application you are completing is akin to your life’s resume  — your answers should portray you at your deepest level. 

When filling in your application, please keep in mind that your thoughts and feelings on each question will be analyzed and it’s extremely important that you double check all the spelling and grammar.

Once your application has been received, we’ll setup a virtual or in-person interview with you. This would involve discussing the compensation structure, risks, procedures and all the nitty gritty details of the egg donation process.

We’ll work with you to gather consents, documents, educational records, and medical records. We ensure that you’re medically and psychologically ready to make a commitment to become an egg donor and help someone start a family.

After your successful interview and pre-screening, we’ll begin the matching process where we’ll be reviewing your expectations and matching you very carefully with the best-fit intended parents.

After you are matched with the best-fit intended parents, a deeper medical screening process will be started. As you’re not bearing any of the costs, the Intended Parent’s IVF Clinic/Physician will determine the donor screening protocol. All the subsequent appointments will be held through a monitoring clinic as well as at the intended parent’s IVF clinic.

You’ll also undergo a psychological screening completing a PAI or MMPI test (personality test), and will speak with a licensed psychologist about you and your family’s history of mental and physical health. Don’t be nervous. We’re looking for honesty, not perfection.

Having your best interests at heart, we’ll also provide you with legal guidance regarding egg donation and be with you every step of the way to help you make the safest decision. You as well as your Intended Parents will execute an Egg Donation Agreement. Legal counsel will be provided for you at no cost to you. Our expert team at Family Inceptions will make you feel heard, understood and fully supported.

The IVF Clinic/Physician will provide you with a cycle schedule which provides detail on how much medication to take, when to take it and your required appointments. To get the process started, injectable medications will begin to allow your ovaries to produce eggs for retrieval in a matter of days. It sounds scary but many of our donor’s report that it wasn’t as hard as they had initially believed.

Throughout the process, you’ll attend up to 15 appointments at the fertility center to monitor your production and progress. This is an approximately a 21-day process.

The egg retrieval process can take up to a few hours, but the procedure itself is approximately 30 minutes. The process requires mild sedation for your comfort so it will be a non-painful procedure. You will be required to rest for the day after the procedure. Most of our donors are able to get back to their daily routine in 1-2 days.

You are required to bring a companion with you for support and to help you get back home.

What's next?

You are incredible for making such a bold and empowering choice. By making the decision to become an egg donor, you gave someone their lifelong dream of having a family. Your reward is not only knowing that you did something selfless and noble, but also using your compensation for your education, paying off your debts or finally going on that dream trip you have been longing for.

You are now in a sisterhood of women who give of themselves so kindly. You are an honorable egg donor.

“My biggest fear was of the retrieval process itself. Mainly the self-injections. My nurse gave me impeccable instructions which helped me forget my worry thoughts and made me feel confident and comfortable in the process.”
- Jessica, Georgia

Got questions? We are here to answer them for you!

Having a great donor profile helps. When you’re filling out your application, remember that intended parents will be looking for qualities in you that they wish to see in their children. The application you are completing online is your resume—your answers should portray you at your deepest level. They should also be entirely honest, as anything else is unethical.

Moreover, including good pictures is a great step. The best pictures are those that are of just you; could be professional or casual in nature. Intended parents love to see potential egg donor’s childhood pictures as well. Blurry, poor quality, pictures with a drink in your hand, or other less-than-flattering pictures are not helpful.

That is not a problem unless you are under a contract. We understand that situations change. Please notify us immediately so that we can remove you from our database and avoid disappointing intended parents.

Egg donation is a safe, tested and relatively non-invasive medical process that allows the retrieval of your eggs. However, it is still a medical procedure, thus, could cause some side effects such as headache, bloating or breast tenderness. Additionally, there is a risk of becoming hyper-stimulated.

Don’t see your question here? Get in touch.