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Ep 13 | Understanding the Process As A Surrogate

August 14, 2020

In this episode of Fertility Cafe, we’re going to focus on the more complicated and emotionally charged surrogacy topics specifically relevant to your journey to become a surrogate: why your BMI is so important; the psychological evaluation and the role of mood stabilizing drugs; receipt of government assistance as a disqualifier; and even the topic of termination and selective reduction. 

Buckle up ladies – Eloise doesn’t sugar coat the truth, and this is going to be a bumpy ride!

  • It’s important to always remember your “why” in becoming a surrogate
  • Is your BMI too high or too low? Learn why clinics will not work with you… and it all has to do with hormones.
  • The dreaded psychological evaluation… it’s really not as scary as you think. 
  • Did you know you have to be off ALL mood stabilizing meds to be a surrogate?
  • How receiving Food Stamps or Medicaid may disqualify you from being a surrogate.
  • The truth about termination and selective reduction – Yes. We are going there.
  • The role of your support system in the surrogacy process, and why it is such a critical piece!

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