Fertility care is ever involving. For many, medical treatments are not covered by their insurance. Coverage for infertility and fertility preservation can currently be disallowed by insurance companies. Many insurance companies, have fertility coverage classified as cosmetic or elective.
On this episode of Fertility Cafe, Eloise gets to talk to Mollie Walker and Chelsea Caldwell. 2 ladies who took up the fertility care torch as advocates to help change the fertility landscape.
This episode, Eloise and the guests talk about:
- Taking on legislation and where to start
- Reviewing through the timeline regarding creating Fertility Advocates For Tennessee, writing the Tennessee Pro-Family Building Act, bill and building awareness for the cause.
- Quick overview of what has to happen for a bill to be made into law and go into affect.
- Challenges you may experience when you begin the process to change legislation without a lobbyist
- Learn more about our Guests Mollie Walker: Tennessee Fertility Advocates
- Learn more about our Guests Chelsea Caldwell: Chelsea Caldwell
- Learn more about our podcast: Fertility Cafe
- Learn more about our surrogacy and egg donation agency: Family Inceptions
- How to apply to be a surrogate: the application process
- How to apply to be an egg donor: the application process
- On the blog: What is Surrogacy?
- On the blog: A Beginner’s Guide to Fertility Acronyms
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