This is our last blog post in our August series. This month, we’ve looked at some of the ways, all of us if interested, can be a superhero when it comes to family building.
When you’re trying to have a family, the rule of thumb is if you’re under the age of 35 years old and have been trying to conceive for over a year OR if you’re over the age of 35 years old and have been trying to conceive for over six months, you should see a fertility doctor.
For approximately one in eight, conceiving a child doesn’t always fall within that time frame. For some, it can take the help of fertility treatment and years of trying before having a child. Even worse, those years often include failed IVF cycles and pregnancy losses.
When you’re dealing with infertility, the question that comes up the most (and can be the scariest) is, “Will I ever be a parent?” At Family Inceptions, where our superpower is building families, we change that question to a statement: We can help you become a parent.
That’s a bold statement and some may be doubtful. What it comes down to though is what you are open to. There are so many different options to explore such as IUI, IVF, donor sperm, donor eggs and surrogacy to name just a few. Our area of specialty is in donor eggs and surrogacy, which on the surface can sound incredibly overwhelming.
Family Inceptions is obviously a business but we’re one who also happens to feel a profound personal investment in our overall mission. Whether you need donor eggs or want to donate your eggs, or whether you need a surrogate or want to be a surrogate; there’s a level of authenticity with our team that is sincerely unparalleled. We want you to succeed. We want you to celebrate this process. We want you to either leave our offices with full arms or a full heart (or both).
And that’s the thing about being an incredible family – it doesn’t always mean you must take the standard path to get there. As the saying goes, “normal is just a setting on your dryer”. Normal is normal but different can be extraordinary.
We hope those who find us online and read these posts feel inspired. Inspired to take that first step of exploring using our services to have an incredible family or inspired to take the first step to give of yourself to help others have a family. Each of us possess a power within to make a difference in this world either through parenting or assisting others to be a parent and I would ask you to take a moment and ask yourself, as we have been the month of August, “What’s my power? Am I ready to take that first step?”
If you are interested, please contact us or call 844-404-BABY.