Nevada permits Gestational Surrogacy. It is governed by Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 126.500-126.810. Gestational Surrogacy is open to all Intended Parents from around the world regardless of:
- Current and/or Previous Marital Status
- Familial size/status
- Citizenship
- Residency
- Lack of Genetic Connection to the Embryos Transferred to the Gestational Surrogate
- Sexual Orientation
A Gestational Surrogate may be reasonably compensated for her time, trouble, and inconvenience as well as reimbursed for her reasonable expenses, including any medical, legal or other professional expenses so long as that compensation is negotiated in good faith between the parties
Nevada law recognizes the validity and enforceability of a written Gestational Surrogacy Agreement when the Agreement is drafted by an attorney and all parties are represented by independent legal counsel. The Agreement includes clear information regarding the parties’ legal, financial and contractual rights and obligations.
Upon the Agreement’s execution, 1) the Gestational Surrogate has no parental and/or custodial responsibilities in the child she is carrying on behalf of the Intended Parents and 2) all parental and/or custodial rights in the child carried by the Gestational Surrogate exclusively vests in the Intended Parent(s).
Nevada has no statute or case law permitting and/or governing Traditional (genetic) Surrogacy